Lyngfeldt Udlejning specialises in the rental of machinery and equipment, particularly for the construction and maintenance of grass.
For example, Vertidrain machines are used to aerate the soil and get the roots deeper. It also has a kind of surface drainage effect. Masive spit for machine……. 24 x 400 mm .
When talking about deep aeration, we also have a machine that works with air, which can work with 1 spike in about 70 cm depth. Air pressure of about 6 bar can be released, causing the ground to rise. It is good for waterlogged gardens and grassy areas on golf courses, for example.
Tractors from 30 – 300 hp
All types of aeration equipment for grassland
Seed drills ( Vredo Super Compact towed ) Speedseed 1600
Biolift ( deep aeration with 1 spear and air )
Vertical cutter with tank Trilo S4
Topdresser Ty-Crop 460
Mulch for heavy weeds and small shrubs
Parkland impact mower with collector ( e.g. for wild rough on golf courses )
Dalbo Sport 530 ( Drum with tines and knife rollers and drums ) Good for uneven larger grass areas
Snow equipment
Boomer 54 with 3m arm mower and hedge trimmer / finger mower / flail mower